Sir Edmond Gin 40% 0.7L
Sir Edmond
, 0.7L
Sir Edmond Gin 40% 0.7L
Sir Edmond
, 0.7L
Sir Edmond Gin is world’s first Bourbon vanilla infused gin. The best vanilla in the world comes from the tropical island of Madagascar and Réunion. It is known as Bourbon vanilla, our main ingredient, also known as the "black gold". Not only does vanilla make my gin change colour, it’s also responsible for the unusual, rich, smooth and re¬fined taste.
Taste: Full flavoured, smooth, velvety texture with vanilla and cardamom notes moving into subtle cinnamon and juniper with a finely touch of ginger. A sensation to the palate, giving mellowness, balance and perfect harmony. Long, dry and not too sweet, leaving you wanting more. The blend of vanilla, cardamom, ginger and cinnamon results in a truly unique finish, and unusual character. Sir Edmond Gin is smooth and most importantly, different.