Koskenkorva Blueberry Juniper 37.5% 1L
, 1L
Koskenkorva Blueberry Juniper 37.5% 1L
, 1L
Koskenkorva Vodka is made from local barley and distilled through a state of the art continuous distillation process. This is the reason one of the world's purest ethanols does not require separate carbon filtering. Koskenkorva Blueberry Juniper has a rich, spicy and fruity aroma with elegant hints of blueberry, juniper, and pine needle and a light touch of citrus. The taste is soft, fresh, and balanced.
Taste: Natural blueberry and juniper flavors with a hint of lime. The blueberry brings freshness to the product while the bitterness of the juniper berries makes it a balanced combination.