Ballantine's 12YO Gold Seal Blended Scotch Whiskey 40% 1L GB
, 1L
Ballantine's 12YO Gold Seal Blended Scotch Whiskey 40% 1L GB
, 1L
A sophisticated blend of whiskies selected at their peak, honed into a drink that’s the result of passion for the craft. A honey-sweet scotch whisky perfectly balanced with oak and vanilla notes. To select the exact recipe for Ballantine’s 12 year old, our master blender samples a lot of whiskies. So it’s no wonder it’s his favourite whisky when he’s off the job. It’s a blend for the patient drinker who can’t wait to enjoy it again. Ballantine’s 12 was made with a passion for whisky, for those with a passion for whisky.
Taste: Complex floral, honey and oak sweetness. Long lasting, refreshing and sweet finish.
Aroma: Sweet honey with hints of oak and vanilla.